08-03-2004 - Regular Meeting - Minutes• REGULAR MEETING OF THE WEST COVINA CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 3, 2004 Mayor Miller pounded the gavel at 7:17 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1444 W. Garvey Avenue, West Covina. City Manager Pasmant gave the invocation and Mayor Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Mayor Miller, Councilmember Wong Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Sanderson, Councilmembers Herfert, Hernandez Others Present: Pasmant, Alvarez-Glasman, Fields, Samaniego, Durbin, Myrick, Berry Mayor Miller stated that since a quorum of the City Council was not present, no business could be conducted this evening. He permitted comments on any municipal matter from the members of the audience. The following spoke: Royal Brown, West Covina resident John Scheuplein, West Covina resident Herb Redholtz, West Covina resident At 7:31 pm Mayor Miller thanked everyone for attending, instructed the City Clerk to post the Notice of Adjournment as required by law, and stated that August 17 is the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. V City Clerk Janet Berry