06-03-1996 - Special Meeting - Minutes• MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WEST COVINA CITY COUNCIL June 3, 1996 The special meeting of the West Covina City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem at 5:55 pm in the Management Resource Center at City Hall, 1444 W. Garvey Avenue, West Covina. ROLL CALL Mayor Touhey (arrived 6:16 pm), Mayor Pro Tern McFadden, Councilmembers Herfert, Manners (arrived at 6:44 pm), Wong Others Present: Starbird, Wylie, Tucker, Miller, Koniarsky, Fong, Miyasato, Irwin, Panas, Compean, Distelrath, Collier; Greene, Glover, Fredrics, Salazar, Samaniego, Berry PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS No comments offered. WEST COVINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mayor Touhey arrived at 6:16 pm. Current President of the West Covina Chamber of Commerce, Don Canzoneri, addressed the City Council regarding the accomplish- ments of FY 95/96. Susie Harvey, Executive Director, discussed the "Shop West Covina" campaign. This successful campaign cost $35,000 in total for FY 95/96. She stated that the Chamber is proposing to enhance this campaign for FY 96/97 to a total cost of $50,000. President-elect Bruce Schutte addressed goals for the upcoming year. Two areas proposed include: a home -based business program and a task force to study the possibility of a two-tier membership program. Ms. Harvey discussed the specific enhancements for the FY 96/97 "Shop West Covina" campaign. The total Chamber budget for FY 96/97 is $316,000. The Chamber requested that an additional $25,000 from the Business Improvement Tax be granted to cover the cost of the enhanced "Shop West Covina" campaign for the upcoming fiscal year, bringing the pro- posed budget for FY 96/97 to a total of $341,000. COuncilmember Herfert stated his opposition to the Chamber placing advertisements in the Guardian. Discussion ensued on this point. Mayor Touhey reiterated his opposition to using BIT funds for advertisements that generally benefit only the retailers in the City. He felt the Shop West Covina campaign should be the number one priority of the Chamber and it should be funded through the Chamber's budget, not an enhanced BIT budget. Councilmember Herfert agreed with Mayor Touhey, stating that he would like the $50,000 for the Shop West Covina campaign be funded through the Chambers' general budget. Councilmember Manners arrived at 6:44 pm. 46 Council Minutes of 6/3/96 Original Motion Amended Motion Motion by Herfert and seconded by Touhey to support the $316,000 and instruct the Chamber to fund the Shop West Covina campaign through their general budget. Councilmember Manners amended the motion to include the additional $25,000 BIT funds for the enhanced Shop West Covina campaign for a total of $341,000. The motion was seconded by McFadden with the condition that no. money be spend on advertise- ments in the Guardian. Councilmember Wong felt the condition proposed by McFadden was unnecessary and could possibly raise some First Amendment issues. Councilmember Manners stated that she would not accept Mr. McFadden's condition to her motion. Therefore, her amended motion died. Table Original Motion Motion by Wong and seconded by Manners to table the original motion offered by Herfert and seconded by Touhey Motion failed 2-3 with McFadden, Herfert, and Touhey voting no. Action on Original Motion Action taken on original motion failed 2-3 with Manners, McFadden and Wong voting no. Additional Motion Motion by Wong and seconded by Manners to table the issue. Motion carried 3-1-1 with McFadden voting no and Herfert abstaining. RECESS Mayor Touhey called a recess at 7:30 pm. Council reconvened at 7:40 pm with all members present. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment Agency Director Yoshizald presented a thorough overview of the Agency's accomplishments this current year and the anticipated projects for next year. Mr. Yoshizald reported that the proposed FY 96/97 budget for the Redevelopment Agency is $9,924,390.00, which is 4% less than the FY 95/96 budget of $10,347,186. CDBG funding is proposed to increase by 25.67% to a total of $858,000. Mr. Yoshizald reviewed the fiscal picture for a) the Housing Set -Aside fund with total expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year at $1,501,280 and b) the Tax Increment fund with total expenditures for FY 96/97 at $9,924,390. City Manager Starbird discussed the date for the next meeting which would encompass the Capital Improvement Program. Council concurred on Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 5:30 pm in the Management Resource Center. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Herfert and seconded by McFadden to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm. Motion carried 5-0. Attest: Q Mayor Michael Touhey Cry Clerk Janet Berry