11-28-1990 - Regular Meeting - Minutes. MINUTES ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING WEST COVINA CITY COUNCIL November 28, 1990 The adjourned regular meeting of the West Covina City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Tarozzi in the Multipurpose Room of City Hall, 1444 W. Garvey Ave., West Covina. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Herfert. ROLL CALL Mayor Tarozzi, Mayor Pro Tem McFadden, Councilmembers Herfert, Jennings, and Manners Others Present: Thomas, Miller, Koniarsky, Wolff, Holmes, Wylie, Panas, Mayer, McClelland, Yoshizaki, Holler, Fertal, Manheim, Brown, Perkins CONTINUED STUDY SESSION: FISCAL PLANNING • Interim City Manager Thomas presented the staff report. He presented a review of the previous presentations given concerning financial trends as follows: 1) trends of expenditures out -pacing revenues, 2) different levels of RDA activity and payback, 3) additional needs regarding Paramedics and infrastructure. Acting City Controller Panas presented 4 scenarios in connection with Mayor Tarozzi's request from the September 17, 1990, Study Session. RDA Project Manager Fertal then presented a review of RDA payback scenarios and two new payback scenarios. Interim City Manager Thomas made a presentation of Revenue Sources and the use of Survey Cities in the Personnel process. He summarized the material presented and requested feedback from the Council. COUNCIL FEEDBACK Councilmember Jennings suggested using a combination of the following to get through 1995: 1) benefit assessments for • five years only, 2) in 1993-94, 0% salary increases with Jennings 5% increases thereafter, 3) RDA payback of $1.6 million. Councilmember Herfert stated he sees the $1.6 million RDA payment as the only way to go; 10.5% interest to continue; supports bringing the paramedics on-line as soon as possible; and supports benefit assessments for street repairs on a three-year time frame. He stated he would Herfert not support a salary freeze at this time. Mayor Pro Tem McFadden stated he supports the 0% salary increase for 1993-94 with a 4% increase thereafter; going forward with the RDA projects with a $1.6 million payback at 10.5% interest over 27 years; paramedics should be brought on line as soon as possible; supports the bare bones McFadden budget and the benefit assessment. Councilmember Manners supported bringing the paramedics on as soon as possible; providing for the infrastructure; favoring RDA payback for 20 years at 7% interest; using one year of RDA payback for paramedics; involving the citizens in some way to fund the infrastructure and the paramedics; pursuing some type of financial structure for a Mello-Roose assessment district. She stated she would agree to a Manners limited salary increase, but not a salary freeze. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adjourned Regular Meeting Tarozzi ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT • ATTEST: Janet Berry, City Cle • 0 November 28, 1990 Page Two Mayor Tarozzi stated he would support the 10.5% for 27 years RDA payback. He would not support placing assessment concerns before the voters at this time. He stated he would support a salary freeze for one year, but not support personnel layoffs._ No comments were offered. Motion by Manners, seconded by McFadden, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting of 11:00 p.m. Tarozz