06-04-1947 - Regular Meeting - MinutesRegular Meeting of the West Covina City Council June 4th, 1947 Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present — Batchelder --Daniels — Schabarum Absent — Van Horn — Hurst. Reading of minutes of the regular maeting of May 28, 1947 was disposed with. Daniels moved, Schabarum seconded, motion carried, • Delegations representing the Chamber of Commerce and the Lions Club were present and were asked their advige as to the best way to raise additional revenue to cover the expenses of the Planning Commission. A lengthy discussion was held on this matter, .1 It Is rather difficult to set a large. license fee on some concerns delivering goods to only a few stops in the City. A tax on gross business done in the City would put the City to a great deal of extra expense in checking and collecting the tax. Frank DeLay offered the suggestion that businesses be put into tWO'classes., one class to be those businesses that deliver goods directly to the consumer and those businesses that deliver re5aj.,9_ goods to markets,. Poll of opinion on $250.00 City Business license fee on bare including restaurant operated in addition to bare", All present voted that this- fee was not too hJgh,,*- Motels 6 units or less 830.OQ a Year additional units over six $5.00 each a year. Most present agreed that Vis was fair! Markets $24.00 license fee minimum and $5.00 extra for each regular employee. This was thoroughly discussed and the concensus of opinion seemed to be that $24.00 should • be the fee charged to each separate business or de art— ment o-oerated in bonnection with a food market. Cas believed that the fee for extra employees was not a fair way to fix the license fee. Professional service—' Real Estate and Insurance combined office should take separate license ofA24.00 each . Various other situations were discussed such as out side people doing business in West Covina, Frank De Lay advanced the opinion that there should be a solicitors fee charged that would be lower than a business license fee. It was agreed that fees payable annually.with the provision that licenses obtained prior to end of fiscal 0 year shall pay only six months fees for the remainder of the fiscal year, General Contractors $48.00 a year suggested $24.00 a year for sub-contractora, It was generally agreed that agricultural permits should be exempt from a City License fee, Peddlers can either be excluded or charged at the rate of 05.00 a day or a flat $24.00 a year. Peddler defined as one who has articles to deliVer at'door. Suggested dog ;License fees $100.male, $2.00 female (Spayed same as male.) I plus cost of vaccination or other expens e incurred-b--y--the City. Schabarum moved that City Clerk be instructed to advertise for a new gasoline contract. Daniels seconded. All ayes Schabarum moved that a survey be made of the insurance held by the ity and an analysis made of the protection in force andadditionalneeds for protection. Mr. Daniels seconded. Aye Ordinances No. 138-137 given second reading., Contact with Los Angeles County Health brought before the Council and Daniels moved that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and return to County for there.signature. Schabarum seconded and motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. yo r