02-14-1947 - Special Meeting - Minutest Special Meeting --of West Covina City Council. February 14, 1947 This was an informal meeting at Mayor Batchelders home for the purpose of discussing the appointment of a Planning Commission. An outline of the Planning,,Act of 1929, Act #52116 prepared by City Attorney Zimmerman was read.and discussed. The Mayor called for suggestions of names of individuals for possible members. The Mayor suggested that each name be discussed frankly among the Council as it was very important to select men who would qualify. The following names were submitted and assigned to individual Councilmen to contact in order to assertain what ther6 reactions would be to such an appointment. Dr. Wesley Magan (Batchelder) Harold Decker (Daniels) Ben Hepner (Hurst ) C. Douglas.(Van Horn) Clyde King (Schabarum) Robert Flotten.(Van Horn) Dalton -(Van Horn) Hayward (Daniels) Councilman Hurst was named as an appointee to this commission by the Mayor with approval of the Council. The matter of a City Planner was also discussed. The name of C. E. Mc Connell was suggested by Schabarum. Mr. F luwelling who addressed the Council on City Planning on Sept. 25, 1945. was also mentioned • Meeting adjourned about midnight. ity Cle