04-16-1946 - Special Meeting - MinutesI • • Minutes of the sqedial meeting held on April 16th 1946 The meeting was called to order by the Mgyor at 6 P*M. All member of Council s�nt w Y 4&eff etion a nQof® perg. The City Clerk was Na t Iffe as me the purpose of making a canvass of the votes cast in the municipal elution of April Sth,1946. Upon the completion of the canvass it was found that the total number of votes cast was 405, out of this there were 4 thrown out because of the ballots being marked in error and one drawn out to balance the register with the ballots in the tox because some on failed to sign register. The valid votes cautt6d, were cast for the following candidates in the amounts nam ad Arthur M Daviels. 219 Carl. H Mossberg 304 Robert Fletten 127 Floyd Gelvin 91 Clyde I Batchelder 1 It was moved that the results of the election as shown above be accepted as correct inasmuch as it corresponded with the verification count made by the City Couasil. The notion was made by Daniels and seconded by Batchelder. The City Clerk put it wo a vote and the motion carried unanimously. The Chai$man then declared Danilf�s and Mossberg elected for terns The organization meeting then was called by the chairman. of 4 yrs It was moved by Hurst that C.I.Batchelder be J*tPl to each. act as Mayer for a term of two years. Motion was seconipni by Daniels and carried by unanimous vote , Councilman Hurst Moved that the nominations be closed and that the Chaitman be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot of Batchelder for Mayor. Lotion seconded by Dani.ble and carried by unanimous vote. As this meeting had be verifging the election uld be brou ht up so was moved by Hurst c osmi tt ee members cp nt Motion carri,Q bi uhan an called for the special purpose of of April 9th,1946 no futher business nee.ting was adjourned at 8.15 P.M. and seconded by Daniels that all present inue to serve for the term of two years. vote. a4ay e r