04-21-1936 - Regular Meeting - Minutes399 O • • A .Vest Covina, C�_li-�-ornic, A;�ril 21, 1 3" The City Council of the City of vilest Covina held a special mecti-n- on April 21, 1936, ir.ii.lediately, follQ,:.i — the canvassin- of the election returns, for the purpose of or-anization. P:•eseni;: P.H. Jackson, C.H. Coffman, J.K. Hedges, r'.L. Itiiowder and L. Reeg. Absent: None. It was :roved by Councilman Howder, Seconded by Councilman Reeg and unanimously carried that P.R. Jackson be appointed Mayor for the ensuing two years. The layor then appointed the following committees: Auditing, F.L. 111ov;rder and J.K. Hedges; Street,LReeg, and C.H: Coffman. It was moved by Councilman Mowder, seconded by Councilman Cof:'raan Coffman and unanimously carried that Mr. Smith our City attorney be paid the sum of $50.00 monthly until further action by the Council. There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting adjourned. The foregoing minutes of the meeting of the Council of the City of ''Jest Covina of April 21, 1936, are duly recorded on pa-e 399 of the book of record of said Council. Approved this 13th day of May 1936. Attest: City Clerk