01-13-1932 - Regular Meeting - Minutes-238 - • West Covina, California, January 13, 1932. The City Council of the City of West Covina met January 13, 1932 at the 'Vest Covina. Club .House. Those present were: Hobert H. Neely, F. P. Ba.ldosser, Joseph Drendel, C. H. Coffman, and Arthur Yarnell. Absent: None. It was moved by Yarnell and seconded by Raldo'sser that reading of minutes of the meeting of January 6, 1932, be deferred to the next stated meeting. Carried. It was moved by Yarnell and seconded by Drendel that Mrs. C. D. Wolfinger be appointed to fill the unexpir..ed term of C. D. ?Wolfinger as City Clerk. Carried unanimously. Statement of Eleely that 11r. Good has removed trees from his place. Council requested to make road full width before trees are replanted l`rsr. Bonner made complaint. Mayor appointed, board as a, whole as a committee, to see Mr. Good in regard to having road by his place left full width when replanting trees along road way. Deputy Clerk instructed to have ivTr. Geo. T:aylarid to irrite bonds for City Tresasurer and Clerk. Mr.. F.. A . Baughan, Executive secretary of Teague of Municipalities talked on League of 11unicipal.it ies. asked City of ;Nest Covina. to take mernbers:hip. This matter was taken under consideration. It was moved by Drendel and seconded by Coffman that meeting__; ad- journ. Carried. The foregoing minutes of the meeting of the Council of the City of Vilest Covina, of January 13, 1932, are duly recorded on Page 238 of the book of record of said Council. Approved this /_day of*ary, 1932. Attest: eputy City Clerk. Mayor.