05-18-1995 - Special0 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WEST COVINA CITY COUNCIL Thursday 5:30 pm May 18, 1995 Management Resource Center A G E N D A Agenda material is available for review before the meeting at the City Clerk's Office, Room 317 at City Hall, 1444 W. Garvey Avenue. If you will need special assistance at this meeting, the City will try to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please call (818) 814-8433 (voice) or (818) 960-4422 (TTY) from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday for assistance. Please call at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is possible. For sign language interpreter services or use of hearing impaired aide at Council meeting, four working days may be required. ROLL CALL Herfert, Touhey, Manners, McFadden, Wong I) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA II) BUDGET PREVIEW The City Council will receive an overview of the preliminary FY 95/96 Budget. special presentations by the Police Department, Fire Department, and Human Services. City Council questions on other departmental budgets will be answered. ADJOURNMENT Motion by 2nd by to adjourn the special meeting at pm. I cartify that copies of the Council Agenda for the meerind of accordance with the 1167 :0�rovrn Act Amendments. Dated. S /G- %�r Office of tho City ClWk