02-05-2008 - Solicitation of Federal Funding for City Projects0 City of West Covina Memorandum AGENDA TO: FROM: Andrew G. Pasmant, City Manager and City Council Artie A. Fields, Assistant City Manager ITEM NO. D — 6f DATE February 5, 2008 SUBJECT: SOLICITATION OF FEDERAL FUNDING FOR CITY PROJECTS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize City staff to submit the projects mentioned in this staff report to Congresswoman Hilda Solis for possible funding consideration. DISCUSSION: Congresswoman Hilda Solis has contacted communities within the 32" d Congressional District, including West Covina, to give cities the opportunity to request noncompetitive and discretionary grant money (Earmarks) for local projects through annual federal spending bills. Based on the City Council's recommendation to submit projects over the last few years, the City has received over $2.6 million in federal funding, including $500,000 for the new Public Safety Interoperable Communication System. While the City may have its priorities, Congresswoman Solis will review the list of projects submitted by the City and identify those projects that she determines to have a better chance to secure funding. Congresswoman Solis' Office has indicated that her office is looking to assist projects that have a regional benefit and not individual communities alone. City staff has worked with our federal lobbyist to identify the most competitive projects for funding based on the type of projects that Congress has funded in the past. The actual dollar amount requested will be discussed further with the City's federal lobbyist and Congresswoman Solis' Office. In is important to note that on January 28, 2008, Congress and the President both discussed earmark reform as a priority in 2008. This may have a significant impact on future funding for projects for all communities including West Covina this year and in future years. City staff is requesting the City Council to approve submittal of the following projects for Congresswoman Solis' consideration: • Heritage Park LearningCenter - The Learning Center is identified in the "Heritage Gardens" Historical Park Master Plan and will provide the community with a place to learn about West Covina's native and current environment. Planned to be built with a "barn -like" theme, the Center will provide educational information and displays ranging from the native plants, animals, and peoples that first inhabited the area to current environmental threats the area faces. The Center will also feature conservation measures the public can take to help preserve, protect the environment, and provide after school tutoring facilities. • Green Linkage Trails & Galster Park Wilderness Center - Initial funds would be used for a multi -use recreational trail to connect the West Covina Sportsplex to Galster Park Wildnerness trail and open space in the City of Walnut and the County that are part of the still developing regional trail system. Any additional funds received would then be used for pedestrian, biking, and/or equestrian trails to link together the City's existing park system. City staff will also be seeking funds to increase the programming and expand the Glaster Park Nature Center to have more animal specimens and other items to re-create a wilderness experience for visitors. • Regional Public Safety Computerized Mapping: West Covina supplies Computer Aided Dispatch and Mobile Data Computer technology to about 25 police agencies in Southern California, delivering computerized communications between dispatchers and public safety field vehicles. Acquiring dedicated hardware and software (a server, a web I based mapping engine, centerline base maps for several counties, etc.), would provide a computerized mapping solution connecting those agencies, delivering visual overviews displaying Police and Fire vehicles from all of the agencies onscreen to incident commanders. The maps i would incorporate overlays of parcels, fire hydrants, etc., and would be especially useful in pursuits, mutual aid incidents, or any terrorism related event. Infrastructure — First proposed infrastructure project is ;repaving San Bernardino Road as a joint project with the County of Los Angeles and Baldwin Park. This is a highly traveled stretch of road in multiple jurisdictions. In addition, the City will also seek funding to install left -turn signals and pockets citywide. This is a public safety measure to reduce the number of accidents throughout West Covina and neighboring communities. • Senior Center Modernization— City staff is completing an evaluation of the current condition of the Senior Center. City staff would like to include 61 request to have this regional award winning facility modernized and possibly expanded to include additional opportunities and spacing for programming and daily use by seniors. Should the City receive any federal funding, City staff will baring back the award of funds and the details of the improvements to be made with those funds. City staff is seeking these non- competitive funds in an attempt to locate and identify funding opportunities to complete projects and reduce the burden on the City's financial resources. City staff will also forward this list of projects to Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Barbara Boxer for their consideration. It is important to remember that any funding received through the federal spending bills will not be acknowledged until October 2008, at the earliest, with funding beginning in 2009. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Prepared by: a12- Chris Freeland Assistant to the City Manager Approved by: Artie A. Fie ds Assistant City Manager