10-19-2010 - Community Services Commission - September 13, 2010 - CSC SOA (2).doc SUMMARY OF ACTIONS COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF July 13, 2010 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Blackburn called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE / MOMENT OF SILENT PRAYER Commissioner Kennedy led the Pledge of Allegiance and Chair Blackburn asked for a moment of silent prayer. III. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Blackburn, Fennell, Kennedy, Lewis, Ogden, St. Gaudens and Valles Commissioner Absent: Armbrust, Booth, and Torres Staff Present: McNeill, Morgan, Smilowitz, Iseri, Yuasa and Shore IV. COMMISSION BUSINESS Commission Reorganization – Selection of Commission Chair and Vice Chair to be Effective Immediately MOTION Motion by Blackburn, and seconded by Valles to adopt the nomination of Kennedy to seat of Chair. Motion carried by a vote of 7-0. Armbrust, Booth and Torres were absent. MOTION: Motion by Blackburn, and seconded by Lewis to adopt the nomination of Valles to seat of Vice Chair. Motion carried by a vote of 7-0. Armbrust, Booth and Torres were absent. From this point on, Chair Kennedy and Vice Chair Valles conducted the meeting. V. CORRESPONDENCE AND ORAL COMMUNICAITONS A. Welcome New Commissioner George Ogden Commissioner Ogden introduced himself and gave a little background of the many organizations and jobs he has been involved with. VI. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Community Services Commission Meeting held on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. MOTION: Motion by Lewis, and seconded by Valles to approve the Minutes of the regular Community Services Commission meeting held on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. Motion carried by a vote of 6-0. Ogden abstained. Armbrust, Booth and Torres were absent. VII. PRESENTATIONS None VIII. ADMINISTRATION A. NEW BUSINESS 1. Upcoming Events Photo and Creative Writing Contest Director McNeill stated the City is working with a local artist, Bill Wilber. Through West Covina’s website, any West Covina resident can submit an entry for the photo contest. The theme for July is Music, and the theme for August is Animals. McNeill advised the Commission for more information to please check the website. Summer Lunch Program Manager Smilowitz stated that as of last Friday (7/9/10) the Summer Lunch Program at Orangewood Park, from Monday thru Friday, has provided 2,885 lunches, an average of 150 per day. When asked who provides the lunches, Manager Smilowitz stated that we contract with the El Monte School District, but that it is still a federally funded grant. City Summer Concert Manager Smilowitz stated that West Covina has an upcoming Summer Concert on August 20, which will be funded by the West Covina Fire Fighters Association, featuring The Answer. Movies in the Park Manager Smilowitz stated that the West Covina Fire Fighters Association has donated funding for the West Covina Movies in the Park program. The average attendance for this program is between 100 to 150 people. Wild Wednesdays Manager Morgan reminded everyone that tomorrow’s program is ‘Herbal Remedies” between 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. GWC Summer Concerts Director McNeill stated that the Greater West Covina Business Association is sponsoring the Concerts at the Lakes. There has been much confusion due to the fact that the City had previously been running the summer concerts, but it is now GWC who is handling the concerts, which are not funded by the City. 2. Update on Commission-Based Volunteer Efforts to Assist West Covina Residents with Cleaning their Yards. Director McNeill checked with the City Clerk and Risk Management Departments regarding the Commission’s request to help clean up elderly homeowner’s yards and whether Commissioners would be covered under the City’s Liability insurance policy. It was reported that Commissioners are welcome to help clean yards, but only as a private citizen not as a City Commissioner; they would not be covered by City insurance. OLD BUSINESS 1. Commissioner Public Information Authorization Director McNeill listed the Commissioners who have not yet turned in their Public Information Authorization, and requested that they do so. IX. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION A. NEW BUSINESS None. B. OLD BUSINESS None. X. RECREATION SERVICES DIVISION A. NEW BUSINESS None. B. OLD BUSINESS Manager Morgan stated that the City utilized a grant to make repairs to the Shadow Oak Park Community Center. As a result, repairs to the floors and the kitchen will now be completed. Manager Morgan stated that in November 2009, Management Analyst McDonald had submitted a grant to LACO Regional Park & Open Space District to continue the trail at Cortez Park. The City was awarded a grant for $150,000 and the Cortez Trail extension will now be completed. XI. AD HOC REPORTS A. Openings for New Commissioners (voluntary) on Ad Hoc Committees Managers Morgan and Smilowitz gave brief descriptions and duties of the various committees. 1. CDBG – Commissioner St. Gaudens joined. 2. CIP - Commissioner Fennell joined. 3. Special Events - Commissioners St. Gaudens & Ogden joined. 4. Sports Council - No changes. B. CIP Manager Morgan gave a brief update and review of the six CIP projects. C. Special Events Manager Smilowitz stated that at the May 11 meeting, Commissioner Valles suggested forming a committee to host a fashion show as a fundraiser for the Community Services Foundation. Manager Smilowitz and Commissioner Valles went into further detail of some of the information they have been able to gather. It was agreed that the Special Events Ad Hoc Committee would soon meet to further discuss the idea. Commissioner Blackburn asked to be removed from the Fashion Show Ad Hoc Commission meetings due to his lack of experience with such an event. XII. COMMISSIONER REPORTS/COMMENTS A. Individual Reports/Comments on Activities Commissioners welcomed the newly appointed new Chair, Commissioner Kennedy and new Vice Chair, Commissioner Valles. They also thanked staff for the great work done on the 4th of July event. Commissioner Ogden stated there have been many discussions regarding a Memorial Wall within the City. Much research has been done for the names of veterans who should be honored. Commissioner Kennedy is very happy that the Memorial Wall is being built and donations are being accepted. Commissioner St Gaudens spoke of the Biggest Losers Pound for Pound Challenge to raise food donations for the food banks in the City, and asked staff to research it. Commissioner Valles suggested that maybe next year some Commissioners would be willing to help with the 4th of July event. XIII. ITEMS TO BE AGENDIZED None. XIV. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Motion by Blackburn, and seconded by Lewis, to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. Motion carried by a vote of 7-0. Armbrust, Booth and Torres were absent.